Is The ZZ Plant Poisonous? Dangerous Or Safe To Have In Your Home?

You may be concerned about the safety of a ZZ plant if you’re thinking about bringing one into your house or place of business. Is the ZZ plant poisonous to humans, pets, or both?

In this article, we’ll explore the toxic properties of the ZZ plant and provide some tips for safely handling and caring for this popular houseplant.

Is The ZZ Plant Poisonous?

First off, for those of you who don’t know, the ZZ plant is a tropical evergreen native to eastern Africa. It’s got these tough, glossy leaves and it’s super easy to take care of. People love it because it can survive in a variety of lighting conditions and it’s supposed to help purify the air in your home or office.

Now, as for the question on everyone’s mind – is the ZZ plant poisonous? The answer is not really. It’s not listed on any of the major poison control databases, so it’s generally considered safe for humans and pets. 

If your pets consume it, however, there is a possibility that it will be toxic for them. Your pets won’t have any problems simply because they smell the plants, but you should check on them after they eat to make sure they aren’t experiencing any vomiting or other problems.

However, I did find that the ZZ plant does contain small amounts of calcium oxalate crystals, which can be irritating if ingested or if they come into contact with your skin or eyes. 

Symptoms Of ZZ Plant Poisoning: What To Watch Out For?

If you’ve ingested or touched the ZZ plant, you might experience some symptoms. Now, the severity of these symptoms is gonna depend on the person and how much of the plant they’ve come into contact with. 

If you’ve ingested the plant, you could feel nauseous, vomit, have trouble swallowing, and get abdominal pain. These symptoms might pop up within a few hours and could be intense. In rare cases, you might have difficulty breathing, tremors, or convulsions.

On the flip side, if the ZZ plant touches your skin, you might get irritation or an allergic reaction. This could manifest as redness, itching, and a rash. And if the sap from the plant gets in your eyes, expect redness, itching, and watering.

Safe Handling And Care Of The ZZ Plant: Preventing Accidental Poisoning

So if you’re gonna keep the ZZ plant in your home, you gotta be careful with it to prevent accidental poisoning. Here’s what you can do:

Don’t Eat The Plant Or Touch The Sap

The ZZ plant might have toxic stuff that can make you sick if you eat it or the sap touches your skin. To avoid accidental poisoning, stay away from both of these things.

Keep The Plant Out Of Reach Of Kids And Pets

Kids and pets might accidentally eat the plant or touch the sap. To prevent accidental poisoning, keep the plant out of reach of both of these groups.

Wash Your Hands After Handling The Plant

If you do have to handle the plant, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards to get any sap off your skin.

Store The Plant Safely

If you’re not using the ZZ plant, put it somewhere safe and out of reach of kids and pets.

Dispose Of The Plant Properly

If you don’t want the ZZ plant in your home anymore, get rid of it the right way. Don’t compost it or throw it out in a way that kids or pets could find it.

Alternatives to the ZZ Plant: Other Non-Toxic Houseplants to Consider

If you’re worried about the ZZ plant or you’re allergic to it, you might be looking for other houseplants that are similar to it but aren’t poisonous. Here are a few options to consider:

Snake Plant

Also called mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant has long, sword-like leaves that grow from a central stem and can reach several feet tall. It can handle low light and infrequent watering, and it’s not poisonous.


This trailing plant has heart-shaped leaves that can be green, yellow, or variegated. It can handle low light and infrequent watering, and it’s not toxic to humans or pets.

Spider Plant

This popular houseplant has long, slender leaves and can produce “baby” plants on long stems. It’s low-maintenance and can handle low light and infrequent watering, and there isn’t any poisonous stuff with this plant!

These are just a few examples of non-toxic houseplants that might be a safer choice for you.

Final Say!

Ultimately, whether or not to keep the ZZ plant in your home is up to you and your personal risk tolerance. But at the same time there are a lot of benefits of keeping a ZZ plant at your home. If you do decide to keep the ZZ plant, be careful with it and handle it safely to prevent accidental poisoning.

Do you have a ZZ plant at your home? And how are you keeping it safe and away from kids and pets? Let us hear you in the comments!!

Some FAQs

Can The ZZ Plant Cause Skin Irritation?

There have been some reports of people getting skin irritation from handling the ZZ plant. 

Now, This Isn’t Something That Happens All The Time, But If It Does Happen To You, Here’s What You Need To Do. First Things First, Give Your Hands A Thorough Washing With Some Soap And Water. And Then, Try To Avoid Further Contact With The Plant.

Can The ZZ Plant Release Toxins Into The Air?

No, not at all, or else why would someone keep a ZZ plant in their home? In fact, a lot of plants, including the ZZ plant, are actually really good at improving indoor air quality. 

Is ZZ Plant Poisonous To Touch?

I have touched it so many times and dint face any problems but every human skin is different so you may face irritation when you come in contact with a ZZ plant.

Can A ZZ Plant Make You Sick?

As mentioned in this article, there is a possibility of getting sick if you eat the leaves of ZZ plant!

Read: Are ZZ Plants Toxic to Cats?

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