Does ZZ Plant Need Distilled Water? Will Tap Water Kill It?

Are you considering getting a ZZ plant for your home, but confused about the type of water to use for it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

In this article, we’ll explore the facts and separate the myth from reality. 

Does ZZ Plant Need Distilled Water?

No, a ZZ plant does not necessarily need distilled water. However, the water you use should be free of chemicals and minerals that could harm the plant.

Why Tap Water is Not Ideal for ZZ Plant

Tap water often contains chlorine, fluoride, and other minerals that can build up in the soil over time, leading to a toxic environment for the plant. 

Chlorine, for example, is toxic to plants and can cause leaf burn and slow growth. Fluoride, on the other hand, can cause yellowing of the leaves and root damage.

Additionally, tap water can have fluctuations in pH and temperature that can stress the ZZ plant. It’s best to use distilled or purified water for ZZ plants to avoid these issues and ensure the plant’s proper growth and health.

Benefits of Using Distilled Water for ZZ Plant

Using distilled water for a ZZ plant has several benefits:


Distilled water is pure and free of minerals, chlorine, and other chemicals that can harm the ZZ plant or build up in the soil over time.


Pure water has a consistent pH and temperature, which helps the ZZ plant absorb water and nutrients more effectively.

Avoid Toxicity

By avoiding tap water, you can avoid exposing the ZZ plant to high levels of chlorine and other chemicals that can cause toxicity!

Prevent mineral buildup

By using distilled water, you can prevent mineral buildup in the soil, which can lead to poor drainage, compacted soil, and reduced root growth.

Promote healthy growth

Using distilled water for your ZZ plant can help promote healthy growth, strong root development, and overall plant health

When to Use Distilled Water for ZZ Plant?

If you’re using tap water, it’s recommended to let it sit for 24 hours before using it on your ZZ plant. This allows the chlorine to evaporate, making the water safer for the plant.

But, if you live in an area with hard water or high mineral content, it’s best to use distilled water. The high mineral content in hard water can cause a buildup of salts in the soil, which can be toxic to the plant.

Distilled Water Isn’t Available! What To Do Now!?

If distilled water is not readily available, there are other options you can use to water your ZZ plant:

Collect rainwater

Collecting rainwater is a great way to provide your plant with pure water, as long as you make sure to store it in a clean container.

Boil tap water

Boiling tap water for 10-15 minutes can help remove some of the impurities, including chlorine. Let the water cool before using it to water your plant.

Use bottled water

If you don’t have access to distilled water, you can use bottled water, such as spring water or purified water, to water your ZZ plant.

Even with these options, the water should still be tested for pH and mineral content to ensure it’s suitable for your plant.

Will ZZ Plant Die If I use Tap Water All the Time?

If you’re only watering your ZZ plant with tap water, it’s like feeding it fast food every day instead of a well-balanced meal. Sure, it may survive, but it won’t reach its full potential. 

Tap water has all sorts of additives, like chlorine, that can build up in the soil and harm the plant. Plus, tap water can be all over the place in terms of pH and temperature, making it a stressful drink for your poor plant.

So, if you want your ZZ plant to thrive, it’s best to give it a drink of distilled or purified water. It’s like serving it a fancy, five-star meal!

Ending Thoughts!

Hope from this guide you had a much better understanding of why distilled or purified water is way better than using tap water for your ZZ plants!

And if in case distilled water isn’t readily available then make sure to use the options that I mentioned in this article.

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