ZZ Plant Causes Cancer – Fact or Fiction?

Have you heard the latest buzz about ZZ plants? You know, the trendy, hard-to-kill houseplant that’s been sprucing up homes and offices worldwide? 

Well, the rumor mill has been churning, and some folks are claiming these popular plants can cause cancer. Say it ain’t so! Before you start tossing your beloved ZZs into the compost heap, let’s dig into the facts, shall we?

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia – Say That Three Times Fast!

Let’s start by getting to know our green friend a little better. The ZZ plant’s fancy-schmancy scientific name is Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. Quite the mouthful, right? 

Native to East Africa, this evergreen plant has become a household favorite due to its low-maintenance nature and resilience against neglect.  

ZZ’s Superpower – The Art of Survival

What makes the ZZ plant such a champ? Well, it’s got these tuber-like rhizomes that store water, allowing it to withstand droughts and forgetful plant parents. So if you’re more of a “plants are pets too” person, the ZZ plant will forgive your occasional neglect.  

ZZ Plant Cancer Connection: Where Did This Idea Come From?

ZZ Plant and Calcium Oxalate Crystals

Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. The ZZ plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can be found in many plants, including some common fruits and vegetables. 

These crystals can be irritating when ingested or when they come into contact with sensitive skin. So, if you’ve got a curious cat or a plant-chomping pupper, you might want to keep your ZZ plant out of reach.

Other Plants Containing Calcium Oxalate Crystals

  1. Spinach
  2. Rhubarb
  3. Beets
  4. Swiss chard
  5. Taro

From Irritant to Carcinogen – A Giant Leap?

Some folks have taken the presence of calcium oxalate crystals in the ZZ plant and assumed it must be carcinogenic. However, irritation does not equal cancer, and there’s no evidence to suggest that calcium oxalate crystals in plants are cancer-causing. 

In fact, if you’ve ever munched on a spinach salad, congratulations! You’ve been consuming calcium oxalate crystals, and you’re still here to tell the tale.

The Science Behind the Cancer Scare

The World Health Organization’s Take

To put your worries to rest, we checked with the big guns: the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, the ZZ plant is not classified as a carcinogen

Phew! That means there’s no scientific evidence to support the claim that ZZ plants cause cancer. So you can keep enjoying your leafy buddy without fearing for your health.

When Good Plants Go Bad – But Not That Bad

It’s true that some plants can be toxic or harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. But that doesn’t mean they’re all bad. After all, even Superman has his kryptonite! 

Just like the ZZ plant, many popular houseplants have some level of toxicity. But that doesn’t mean they’re cancer-causing or dangerous in everyday life.

Popular Houseplants with Some Toxicity

  1. Pothos
  2. Philodendron
  3. Peace Lily
  4. Dieffenbachia
  5. Aloe Vera

As long as you handle these plants with care and keep them away from pets and children who might try to nibble on them, there’s no need to panic. Just be mindful of how you interact with them, and everyone will be A-OK.

ZZ Plant Safety Tips – Keepin’ It Green and Clean

Handling Your ZZ Plant Like a Pro

Even though your beloved ZZ plant isn’t out to give you cancer, it’s still a good idea to follow some basic safety guidelines when handling it. After all, nobody likes itchy, irritated skin. So, here’s what you should do:

  1. Wear gloves when touching your ZZ plant, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant, just in case.
  3. Keep the ZZ plant out of reach of curious pets and kids.

In Case of Ingestion – Don’t Freak Out, Just Follow These Steps

Accidents happen, and if someone (or something) decides to take a bite out of your ZZ plant, don’t panic! Follow these steps instead:

  1. Remove any remaining plant material from the mouth.
  2. Rinse the mouth with water.
  3. Contact your doctor, veterinarian, or poison control center for further advice.

Keep Calm and ZZ On!

Despite the rumors, there’s no evidence to suggest that ZZ plants cause cancer. So you can continue to enjoy their low-maintenance charm without fear. Just remember to handle them with care and follow our safety tips to ensure a happy, harmonious relationship with your favorite evergreen friend. 

So now you can go ahead, take a deep breath, and get back to your plant parenting duties, worry-free!


Do ZZ plants release any cancer-causing substances into the air?

No, ZZ plants do not release any cancer-causing substances into the air. They are safe to have in your home or office without any risk to your health.

Can ZZ plants cause cancer if they are ingested in large quantities?

While ingesting large quantities of ZZ plants is not recommended due to their calcium oxalate content, there is no evidence to suggest that doing so would cause cancer. However, ingesting ZZ plants can cause irritation and other health issues, so it’s best to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Can touching a ZZ plant lead to skin cancer?

No, touching a ZZ plant will not lead to skin cancer. While calcium oxalate crystals can cause irritation if you have sensitive skin, they are not known to cause skin cancer.

Are there any specific types of cancer linked to ZZ plants?

There are no specific types of cancer linked to ZZ plants, as there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that they cause cancer in any form.

Are ZZ plants more likely to cause cancer than other houseplants?

No, ZZ plants are not more likely to cause cancer than other houseplants. In fact, there is no evidence to suggest that any common houseplants cause cancer.

Are there any cases of people developing cancer due to exposure to ZZ plants?

There are no known cases of people developing cancer due to exposure to ZZ plants. The connection between ZZ plants and cancer is based on misinformation and misunderstanding of the plant’s properties.

Can ZZ plants cause cancer in animals?

There is no evidence to suggest that ZZ plants cause cancer in animals. However, they can be toxic to pets if ingested, so it’s essential to keep them out of reach of your furry friends.

If I have a family history of cancer, should I avoid having a ZZ plant in my home?

There is no need to avoid having a ZZ plant in your home if you have a family history of cancer, as there is no evidence to suggest that they cause cancer.

Are there any studies or research that support the claim that ZZ plants cause cancer?

No, there are no studies or research that support the claim that ZZ plants cause cancer. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer does not classify ZZ plants as carcinogens.

Can the sap from ZZ plants cause cancer if it comes into contact with my skin?

No, the sap from ZZ plants will not cause cancer if it comes into contact with your skin. While the sap contains calcium oxalate crystals that may cause irritation, there is no evidence to suggest that it is carcinogenic.

Also read:

Are ZZ Plants Toxic To Babies?

Can You Eat ZZ Plant? 

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