Can ZZ Plant Grow in Water? If it Can, How To?

The ZZ Plant, also known as the Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a tough and hardy plant that can survive in a variety of conditions. But can it grow in water? 

The short answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you go submerging your ZZ Plant in a vase of water.

Growing ZZ Plant in Water

Water vs. Soil

First of all, it’s crucial o understand the differences between growing a plant in water versus soil. When a plant is grown in soil, it has access to a variety of nutrients that help it thrive. 

The roots of the plant are able to spread out and explore the soil, searching for the nutrients they need. In contrast, when a plant is grown in water, it relies on the nutrients that are dissolved in the water. 

This means that the plant will be limited to the nutrients that are available in the water, and the roots won’t have the same freedom to explore.

ZZ Plant’s Nutrient Needs

The ZZ Plant is known for being a low-maintenance plant, which means that it doesn’t require a lot of nutrients to survive. 

But still, it does need certain essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to grow and thrive. If you’re going to grow your ZZ Plant in water, you’ll need to make sure that the water contains these essential elements.

Water Quality

Another important factor to consider when growing a ZZ Plant in water is the quality of the water. The plant will not survive in dirty or contaminated water. 

Make sure to use clean and filtered water, free of chlorine and other chemicals. If you’re using tap water, let it sit for 24 hours before using it, this will allow the chlorine to evaporate.

Root Rot

The ZZ Plant is susceptible to root rot, which can occur when the roots are consistently sitting in water. 

This can happen if the water level is too high or if the container does not have adequate drainage. To prevent root rot, make sure that the container has drainage holes at the bottom and that the water level is not too high.

How to Grow ZZ Plant in Water

Now that you know what to keep in mind, let’s talk about how to grow a ZZ Plant in water. First, you’ll need a container that is big enough to hold the plant and the water. 

Make sure the container has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent root rot. Next, fill the container with water and add a small amount of fertilizer to provide the essential nutrients the plant needs.

Place the ZZ Plant in the container, making sure that the roots are fully submerged in the water. Keep the water level consistent and change the water every 2-3 weeks to prevent buildup of minerals and other impurities.

Let’s say you have a ZZ Plant that you’ve been growing in soil for a while, and you want to try something different. You decide to give growing it in water a try.

First, you’ll need to find a container that is big enough to hold the plant and the water. You choose a clear vase that has drainage holes at the bottom. You fill the vase with clean, filtered water and add a small amount of fertilizer to provide the essential nutrients the plant needs.

Next, you gently remove the ZZ Plant from its current pot and shake off any excess soil. You place the ZZ Plant in the vase, making sure that the roots are fully submerged in the water.

You also make sure that the water level is consistent and change the water every 2-3 weeks to prevent buildup of minerals and other impurities.

As you keep an eye on the plant, you notice that the leaves are a shiny green, and the roots are white and healthy, indicating that the plant is thriving. You also make sure to monitor the water quality and to keep the water fresh by changing it regularly.

Over time, you see that your ZZ Plant in water is growing beautifully and is a unique and low-maintenance addition to your home. You enjoy seeing it every day and it becomes a conversation starter with visitors to your home.

Final Say on Growing ZZ Plants in Water!

So, can a ZZ Plant grow in water? Yes, it can! But it’s important to keep in mind the factors that can affect the plant’s survival such as the quality of water, nutrients availability, and preventing root rot. 

Growing a ZZ Plant in water can be a fun and unique way to display this hardy plant. Just make sure you’re providing the right conditions for it to thrive.

And remember, even if you do everything right, don’t be too upset if the plant doesn’t survive. After all, plants are living things and sometimes things just don’t work out. But if you do it right, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful and unique display of a ZZ Plant in water for years to come.

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