Do ZZ Plants Like Humidity? A Comprehensive Guide

As a plant lover, you may have heard about the ZZ plant and its reputation for being a low-maintenance, easy-to-care-for houseplant. But when it comes to humidity, you may be wondering: do ZZ plants like it? It’s not as simple as you might think to figure out the answer. 

Are you ready to find out if your beloved ZZ plant is a fan of the sauna-like humidity levels in your home? Well, buckle up because we’ll be diving into the depths of humidity and the ZZ plant’s love (or lack thereof) for it.

The Role of Humidity in ZZ Plant Growth

Well, let’s talk about the role of humidity in the growth of our favorite low-maintenance plant, the ZZ!

Humidity is like the air conditioning of the plant world. It refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air and it’s crucial for plant growth. Think of it like a plant’s personal humidifier, it helps them regulate their temperature, prevent wilting, and keep their photosynthesis game strong.

But too much of a good thing can be bad, right? If the air is too dry, your zz plant will be sweating like a sinner in church and lose more water than it can replace through its roots. 

This can lead to wilting, leaf loss, and even death in extreme cases. On the other hand, if the air is too humid, your zz plant may not transpire enough and may become susceptible to pests and diseases.

Therefore, it’s important for zz plants to have the right amount of humidity for optimal growth. This “sweet spot” can vary depending on the plant species and its natural habitat.

The Natural Habitat of ZZ Plants

Time to take a little trip to the wild, wild East Africa. That’s right, the ZZ plant is originally from Kenya and Tanzania, where it lives its best life in humid, shaded environments like rainforests and riverbanks.

But, seriously who wants to live in a rainforest all the time? Not our beloved ZZ plant. It’s known for its adaptability and can thrive in a wide range of environments. It can tolerate low light levels, dry air and even periods of drought.

That’s why it’s a popular choice for indoor gardens, where humidity levels may not always be ideal. It’s like the chameleon of the plant world, it can adapt to its surroundings.

They can tolerate low light levels, dry air, and even periods of drought. This makes them a popular choice for indoor gardens, where humidity levels may not always be ideal.

How to Measure Humidity

There are several ways to measure humidity, including:


This is a device that measures the relative humidity (RH) in the air. It’s a simple, affordable tool that can be found at most gardening stores or online.

Wet/dry bulb thermometer

This is a more advanced tool that measures the difference between the temperature of a wet bulb and a dry bulb to determine the humidity level. It’s often used in greenhouses and other controlled environments.

The finger test

This is a quick and easy way to gauge humidity levels. Simply place your finger on the soil surface and see how it feels. If it feels dry to the touch, the air is likely dry as well. If it feels moist, the air is likely more humid.

Factors That Affect Humidity in Your Home

There are several factors that can affect the humidity levels in your home, including:

Heating and cooling systems

These systems can dry out the air, especially during the winter months when the air is already dry due to the lack of moisture in the atmosphere.


Believe it or or not, houseplants can actually contribute to the humidity levels in your home. Water vapor is released into the air when plants undergo the process of transpiration. This can increase the humidity levels, especially if you have a large number of plants in a small space.


These devices add moisture to the air by releasing a fine mist of water. They can be especially helpful in dry environments or during the winter months when the air is naturally dry.


These devices remove excess moisture from the air and can be helpful in humid environments or in areas prone to mold and mildew.

Tips for Maintaining the Right Humidity Levels for Your ZZ Plant

Alright, now that we’ve covered the basics of humidity and ZZ plants, it’s time to get down to business! Here are some tips to make sure your ZZ plant is living its best life in terms of humidity:

Place your ZZ plant in an area with moderate humidity levels. A general rule of thumb is to aim for humidity levels between 40-60%.

Next, use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels in your home, it’s like a personal weatherman for your plant. Adjust as needed.

If the humidity levels are too low, you can use a humidifier or place a tray of water near your plant to increase humidity levels. You should monitor the water level of ZZ and add more as necessary.

Avoid placing your ZZ plant in areas with strong drafts or direct airflow, as this can dry out the air and affect the plant’s transpiration rate.

And lastly, avoid over-watering your ZZ plant, it’s drought-tolerant but can still be susceptible to root rot if the soil is constantly wet. Let the soil dry out slightly between waterings and be sure to use a well-draining soil mix.

Final Say on ZZ Plants and Humidity!

So I’m sure it’s been a wild and humid ride, but we’ve finally reached the end of our journey on ZZ plants and humidity. To sum it all up, ZZ plants are like the Goldilocks of the plant world, they can tolerate a wide range of humidity levels and can thrive in both humid and dry environments.

But, just because they can handle it, doesn’t mean you should neglect monitoring the humidity levels in your home and making adjustments as needed. It’s all about finding that sweet spot for optimal moisture for your ZZ plant.

Some FAQs!
Does a ZZ plant prefer high humidity?

Nope! ZZ plants are like cacti, they can survive in a desert, so a little low humidity ain’t gonna hurt ’em.

Can I mist my ZZ plant to increase humidity?

Sure, you can, but it’s like giving a fish a shower, it’s just not necessary. Plus, too much misting can make the leaves soggy and sad.

Is it bad if my ZZ plant’s leaves turn brown due to humidity?

Oh, that’s not good, brown leaves are like wrinkles on a plant. It could be due to too much humidity or too much water, so keep an eye on it.

Will a ZZ plant do well in a room with air conditioning?

A ZZ plant can tolerate low humidity levels and can do well in a room with air conditioning.

Should I use a humidifier near my ZZ plant?

It is not necessary to use a humidifier near your ZZ plant. The plant can thrive in normal room humidity levels.

Further reading: Can ZZ Plants Live Outside? Key Factors To Consider?

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