Why Does My ZZ Plant Have White Spots? Fix With Simple Steps!

Do you have a ZZ Plant and noticed some white spots on its leaves? White spots on ZZ plants is a common problem faced by many ZZ Plant owners, and in this article, I will let you know the reasons why these white spots appear and what you can do about them.

Reasons for White Spots on ZZ Plant Leaves

Water damage

One of the most common causes of white spots on ZZ Plant leaves is water damage. When water droplets are left on the leaves for an extended period, they can cause a mineral buildup on the leaves which shows up as white spots.


Whiteflies, mealybugs, and scale insects can all cause white spots on the leaves of your ZZ Plant. These pests suck the sap from the plant, leaving behind a sticky residue that can lead to a mineral buildup and white spots.

Mineral Deficiency

If your plant isn’t getting enough nutrients, it can cause white spots on the leaves. This is especially true if the plant isn’t getting enough magnesium, which is an essential mineral for the health of the plant.


Sunburn can cause white spots on ZZ Plants. When they are exposed to direct sunlight for too long, it can cause the leaves to burn, which results in white spots appearing on the leaves.

Sunburn can occur when the plant is suddenly exposed to direct sunlight after being in a low-light environment, or if the plant is placed in a location that receives too much direct sunlight. 

To prevent sunburn gradually introduce your ZZ Plant to direct sunlight and to ensure that it’s not placed in a location that receives too much direct sunlight.

If your ZZ Plant has already developed sunburn, you can try moving it to a location with indirect light and away from direct sunlight. Over time, the white spots should start to fade and disappear, and the plant should recover.

How to Fix White Spots on ZZ Plant Leaves

Water damage

To avoid water damage, make sure to wipe the leaves of your ZZ Plant regularly with a dry cloth to remove any excess water droplets. 

You should also avoid watering your ZZ plant from the top and instead, water it from the bottom to prevent water from splashing onto the leaves.


Pests can be eliminated with the help of insecticidal soap or neem oil. Spray the solution directly onto the pests and the leaves and make sure to repeat the process every few days until the pests are gone.

Mineral Deficiency

If your ZZ plant is suffering from a mineral deficiency, you can add a balanced fertilizer to its soil to give it the nutrients it needs. You can also add Epsom salt to the soil, which is high in magnesium, to help cure the deficiency.

Let’s say you have a ZZ Plant and you’ve noticed white spots appearing on its leaves. After doing a little research, you’ve determined that the white spots are caused by water damage. To fix this problem, you can follow these steps:

Wipe the leaves regularly: Using a dry cloth, gently wipe the leaves of your ZZ Plant to remove any excess water droplets.

Change your watering habits: Instead of watering your ZZ plant from the top, water it from the bottom to prevent water from splashing onto the leaves.

Give it some time: Be patient and give your plant time to recover. Over time, the white spots should start to fade and disappear completely.

Wrapping Up!

So with all the above tips you can get rid of white spots and keep your plant looking its best. Just remember to be patient, as it may take some time for the white spots to disappear completely. Hope this helps!

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