ZZ Plant Vs Money Tree | Plantastic Face-Off!

Ladies, gentlemen, and plant lovers of all ages, welcome to the ultimate showdown! In the green corner, we have the mighty ZZ Plant, and in the red corner, the magnanimous Money Tree. 

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of these two popular houseplants, comparing their features, care requirements, and fun facts. Get ready for a fun and engaging plant duel that’s more exciting than your favorite soap opera (okay, maybe not, but it’s still pretty cool). So, let’s get started!

ZZ Plant vs. Money Tree: A Quick Overview

Let’s start with a quick comparison table that’ll give you the lowdown on these two fantastic houseplants. This table may look like a plant dating profile, but trust us, it’s purely for informational purposes.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)
Origin: Eastern AfricaOrigin: Central and South America
Size: Up to 3-4 feetSize: Up to 6-8 feet
Light: Low to bright indirectLight: Bright indirect
Water: Drought-tolerantWater: Moderate
Soil: Well-drainingSoil: Well-draining
Temperature: 65°F-75°FTemperature: 65°F-80°F
Humidity: Low to moderateHumidity: Moderate to high

Meet the Plant Contenders

ZZ Plant: The Zesty Zamioculcas

First up, we have the ZZ Plant, a.k.a. Zamioculcas zamiifolia, a.k.a. the Zanzibar Gem. This fabulous plant hails from Eastern Africa and is a low-maintenance, air-purifying powerhouse. 

With its shiny, deep green leaves and thick stems, it looks like it just stepped out of the salon after a Brazilian blowout. The ZZ Plant is a tough cookie and can survive in low-light conditions and forgetful waterers, making it the ideal roommate for plant newbies and busy folks.

Money Tree: The Fortune-Bringing Marvel

Next up is the Money Tree, a.k.a. Pachira aquatica, a.k.a. the Guiana Chestnut. This beauty originates from Central and South America and is said to bring good luck and fortune to its owners (no guarantee you’ll win the lottery, though). 

With its signature braided trunk and palm-like leaves, the Money Tree adds a touch of tropical flair to your home. It’s a bit more demanding than the ZZ Plant but still easy enough to care for if you’re not a plant whisperer.

Care Regimen Showdown

Now, let’s compare how these two plant contenders like to be pampered.

Light: : Sunshine Lovers or Shade Dwellers?

ZZ Plant: The ZZ Plant is like that friend who can enjoy a good party but is also down for a chill Netflix night. It can tolerate low light but will thrive in bright, indirect light. Just keep it away from harsh, direct sunlight, or its leaves may throw a tantrum and get scorched.

Money Tree: The Money Tree, on the other hand, is more of a sun worshipper. It loves bright, indirect light to keep its leaves looking lush and vibrant. It’ll tolerate some shade, but too little light can lead to a sad, leggy plant with a bad case of the droops.

Water: Thirsty or Not-so-thirsty?

ZZ Plant: The ZZ Plant is like a camel when it comes to water. It’s incredibly drought-tolerant, storing water in its thick stems and tuberous roots. So if you forget to water it for a week (or two, or three), it won’t hold a grudge. Just make sure not to overwater it, or it might give you the silent treatment (root rot).

Money Tree: The Money Tree enjoys a more regular watering schedule. Think of it like a nice, tall glass of water on a hot day—refreshing but not excessive. Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings to keep it happy and prevent root rot.

Soil: The Dirty Truth

Both the ZZ Plant and the Money Tree appreciate well-draining soil to keep their roots healthy and rot-free. 

You can use a standard potting mix, but it’s a good idea to mix in some perlite, orchid bark, or coarse sand to improve drainage. No one likes soggy feet, especially these two green buddies!

Temperature and Humidity: The Climate Zone

ZZ Plant: ZZ Plants enjoy temperatures between 65°F and 75°F, which is pretty standard for most homes. They’re not huge fans of humidity, so a regular room environment should suit them just fine. No need to create a steam room for this plant pal.

Money Tree: The Money Tree likes it a bit warmer, with temperatures between 65°F and 80°F. It also appreciates higher humidity, so if you live in a dry environment, consider placing it near a humidifier, or give it a daily misting to keep it from feeling parched.

Fun Facts: Did You Know?

ZZ Plant: The ZZ Plant is so tough that it’s been known to survive in malls and offices with only fluorescent lighting. It’s also considered an air purifier, removing toxins like benzene, toluene, and xylene from the air. Talk about an overachiever!

Money Tree: The braided trunk of the Money Tree is actually created by growers who weave the stems together as the plant grows. According to feng shui, the number of braided stems can bring different types of luck—five stems for health, six for harmony, and seven for happiness. Fingers crossed for all three!

The Verdict: Which Plant is Right for You?

So, which plant is the winner of this epic showdown? Well, that depends on your personal preferences and care abilities. If you’re looking for an easygoing, low-maintenance plant that won’t mind if you’re a bit forgetful, the ZZ Plant is your new BFF. 

But if you’re after a touch of tropical vibes and are willing to put in a bit more effort, the Money Tree could be your lucky charm.

Ultimately, the real winner here is you—because adding either of these fabulous plants to your home will bring you joy, cleaner air, and a connection with nature. And that, is priceless. So, why not adopt both? Double the plant power, double the fun!


Can I propagate ZZ Plants and Money Trees easily at home?

Yes, both ZZ Plants and Money Trees can be propagated at home, though the methods are slightly different. For ZZ Plants, leaf cuttings or dividing the rhizomes are the most common methods. With leaf cuttings, simply remove a healthy leaf, let it callus over for a day, and then place it in a pot with moist soil. 

For Money Trees, stem cuttings are the way to go. Cut a healthy stem with a few leaves, remove the lower leaves, let it callus over for a day, and then place it in water or soil to root.

Are ZZ Plants and Money Trees safe for pets?

ZZ Plants are considered toxic to pets, as they contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause irritation if ingested. Money Trees, on the other hand, are considered non-toxic to pets. However, it’s always best to keep all houseplants out of reach of curious pets to avoid any potential issues.

Can I grow ZZ Plants and Money Trees outdoors?

Both ZZ Plants and Money Trees can be grown outdoors, but only in suitable climates. For ZZ Plants, they can be grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 9-11, while Money Trees can be grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10-12. Keep in mind that these plants will still require similar care as when grown indoors, such as well-draining soil and protection from direct sunlight.

How often should I fertilize my ZZ Plant and Money Tree?

ZZ Plants don’t require much fertilization; you can feed them with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength once every 4-6 months. Money Trees, on the other hand, will appreciate a little more feeding. Fertilize them with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength once every 2-3 months during the growing season (spring and summer).

How do I know when it’s time to repot my ZZ Plant or Money Tree?

Both ZZ Plants and Money Trees are relatively slow-growing, so they don’t need frequent repotting. Generally, you’ll want to repot them when the roots start to outgrow the pot or become visible on the surface of the soil. This usually happens every 2-3 years for ZZ Plants and 2-4 years for Money Trees. When repotting, choose a pot that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current pot to give the roots room to grow.

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