How Long Can ZZ Plant Go Without Water? How it Stores Water?

The ZZ Plant, also known as the Zanzibar Gem, is a popular houseplant known for its ability to survive even the harshest of conditions. 

But just how long can it go without water? Let’s dive into the world of this resilient plant and find out!

What is the ZZ Plant?

The ZZ Plant is a species of flowering plant native to Eastern Africa. It’s named after its botanical name, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, but we like to call it the ZZ Plant for short. It’s a low-maintenance plant with shiny green leaves and a stem that can grow up to 3 feet tall.

How Does It Store Water?

The ZZ Plant has a special adaptation that allows it to store water in its thick roots and leaves. This means that even if you forget to water it for a while, it will still be able to survive.

How Long Can the ZZ Plant Go Without Water?

The answer to this question really depends on a few factors such as the size of the plant, the humidity in the air, and the temperature of the room. However, on average, the ZZ Plant can survive for 2-3 months without water. That’s right, you read that correctly! 2-3 MONTHS!

What Happens When It Doesn’t Get Enough Water?

If you do forget to water your ZZ Plant for a while, don’t worry, it will still survive. But, its leaves might start to yellow and fall off. But once you do water it again, it will bounce back to its shiny green self in no time!

Let’s say you have a ZZ Plant in your office and you’re super busy with work. You keep forgetting to water your plant for a few weeks and then one day, you finally remember. But when you look at your plant, you notice that its leaves are starting to yellow and fall off.

Don’t panic! This is a normal reaction for the ZZ Plant when it hasn’t been watered in a while. Just give it a good drink of water and wait for the soil to dry out before watering it again. 

In no time, your ZZ Plant will bounce back to its shiny green self and you’ll be back to admiring its beauty in no time!

So, as you can see, the ZZ Plant is a very resilient plant that can survive even when you forget to water it for a few weeks. This is just one of the many examples of its incredible durability!

How to Water Your ZZ Plant?

When you do decide to water your ZZ Plant, make sure to do it thoroughly. This means watering it until water runs out of the bottom of the pot. Then, wait for the soil to dry out before watering it again. And always remember, the ZZ Plant is a tough plant, so don’t over-water it!

The Role of Rhizome and Leaves in Water Storage

The ZZ Plant is able to store water in its rhizomes and leaves, which is what allows it to survive for so long without being watered.


Simply put, a rhizome is a horizontally spreading underground stem that grows just below the surface of the soil. The ZZ Plant’s rhizomes are thick and fleshy, allowing them to store a large amount of water. 

This water is then used by the plant when it needs it, which helps it survive even when it hasn’t been watered in a while.


The ZZ Plant’s leaves are also thick and fleshy, which helps them store water. The leaves have a waxy coating on them that helps prevent moisture from evaporating, which allows the plant to use the water stored in its leaves for a longer period of time.

Together, the rhizomes and leaves work to store water for the ZZ Plant, which allows it to survive for months without being watered. This adaptation makes the ZZ Plant an ideal choice for people who are busy and don’t have a lot of time to care for their plants.

Wrapping Up!

So the bottom line is that ZZ Plant is an incredibly durable plant that can survive for 2-3 months without water. 

For busy people, ZZ Plant is the ultimate low-maintenance plant that can survive even the busiest of schedules.  

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