Is ZZ Plant Good For Bedroom? The Bedroom BFFs

We bet you’ve got your bedroom looking cozy and inviting with all those cushions and fairy lights. But have you ever considered bringing a little greenery into your sacred sleep space? 

No, we’re not talking about a sad little succulent that you keep forgetting to water. We’re talking about the ZZ plant, the unsung hero of bedroom plants. In this article, we’ll spill the tea on why ZZ plants are the perfect bedroom companions.

Who’s the ZZ in the House?

Let’s get to know our new BFF: the ZZ plant. Scientifically known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia (try saying that five times fast!), this fab little plant has glossy, dark green leaves that make it look like it just stepped out of a shampoo commercial. 

It’s also a sturdy and resilient buddy, which is perfect for those of us who don’t exactly have green thumbs.

ZZ Plants: The Bedroom Bouncers

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I invite a ZZ plant to the party in my bedroom?” Well, let us tell you, these plants are like bouncers for your bedroom! 

They help to keep unwanted toxins at bay, so you can breathe easy and catch some Z’s in peace.

Common Toxins Bounced Out by ZZ Plants

FormaldehydeFurniture, carpets, plywood, and some cleaning products
BenzenePaints, glue, plastics, and tobacco smoke
ToluenePaints, printing inks, and adhesives
XyleneRubber, leather, and vehicle exhaust

ZZ Plants: Air Purification Rockstars

ZZ plants are like the rockstars of the air purification world. They don’t just bounce toxins out of your bedroom; they also amp up the oxygen levels while you snooze. 

That means you’ll be waking up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day, even if you stayed up too late binge-watching your favorite show (we’ve all been there).

ZZ Plants: The Ultimate Low-Maintenance Roomies

If you’re the kind of person who’s killed a cactus, then the ZZ plant is the roommate you need in your life. These plants are super low-maintenance and can tolerate a whole lot of neglect (although we don’t recommend being too neglectful). 

They can survive in low light conditions and don’t require frequent watering, making them perfect for busy or forgetful plant parents.

Example: Just ask Karen, who left her ZZ plant unwatered for three weeks while she was on vacation. When she returned, her plant was still thriving and ready to greet her with open leaves!

How to Care for Your ZZ Plant?

Alright, so now that you’re convinced the ZZ plant is the ultimate bedroom companion, how do you take care of it? Fear not, we’ve got you covered with these easy-peasy care tips:


ZZ plants aren’t picky about light. They’ll happily chill in low light, but they also appreciate a little indirect sunlight now and then. Just don’t put them in direct sunlight, or they’ll throw some serious shade (in the form of burnt leaves).


When it comes to watering your ZZ plant, less is more. Let the soil dry out between waterings, and then give it a good drink. A general rule of thumb is to water it once every 2-3 weeks, but if you forget, your ZZ plant will forgive you.


ZZ plants are pretty chill when it comes to temperature. They prefer to hang out in temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Just make sure not to put them near drafty windows or air vents, or they’ll catch a chill.


These easygoing plants aren’t too fussy about their soil. A well-draining potting mix will do just fine. Consider using a mix of regular potting soil, perlite, and peat moss to keep them happy.


While your ZZ plant doesn’t need a fancy, all-you-can-eat buffet, it will appreciate a light snack in the form of fertilizer. Feed it with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half-strength every 4-6 months.


The ZZ plant is pretty low-key when it comes to grooming, but if you notice any yellow or brown leaves, give them a little snip to keep your plant looking fresh.

Final Thoughts

The ZZ plant is the perfect bedroom BFF, keeping your air clean, your space stylish, and your plant-parenting duties to a minimum. 

With its air-purifying skills and low-maintenance care requirements, it’s no wonder the ZZ plant is becoming a popular choice for bedrooms everywhere. So, invite a ZZ plant to the party in your bedroom, and let the good times (and clean air) roll!


Do ZZ plants help improve sleep quality?

While ZZ plants purify the air and boost oxygen levels, there’s no direct evidence that they improve sleep quality. However, having a clean and refreshing environment can contribute to a more restful night’s sleep.

How big do ZZ plants grow in a bedroom setting?

ZZ plants are slow growers, but with proper care, they can reach up to 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) tall indoors. Give them enough space to grow and spread their leaves.

Can ZZ plants be placed in a bedroom with no windows?

While ZZ plants can tolerate low light conditions, they do need some light to survive. If your bedroom has no windows, consider using artificial light sources, like fluorescent or LED grow lights, to keep your ZZ plant happy.

Can I propagate my ZZ plant to have more plants in my bedroom?

Yes, you can propagate ZZ plants by dividing the rhizomes or taking leaf cuttings. This way, you can multiply your ZZ plant army and share them with friends or family!

Can I place my ZZ plant in a hanging basket in my bedroom?

While ZZ plants aren’t natural climbers or trailing plants, you can place them in a hanging basket as long as they have enough support. Just make sure the basket has proper drainage and that the plant receives sufficient light.

Do ZZ plants attract bugs or pests?

ZZ plants are relatively pest-resistant, but they can occasionally attract mealybugs or spider mites. Keep an eye on your plant and treat any infestations promptly to keep your bedroom bug-free.

Can I pair my ZZ plant with other plants in my bedroom?

Absolutely! ZZ plants make great roommates for other low-maintenance plants, like snake plants, pothos, or philodendrons. Mixing and matching plants can create a lush, green oasis in your bedroom.

Do ZZ plants help with humidity in the bedroom?

ZZ plants don’t have a significant impact on humidity levels, but they can tolerate a range of humidity conditions. If you’re looking to increase humidity in your bedroom, consider adding a humidifier or incorporating humidity-loving plants, like ferns or calatheas.

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